Our students have physical sample submissions which are marked in SRES. Each experiment has a multi-entry column with ‘select from list’ rows (displayed as descriptions, but saved values as per the marking scheme) and a text box row for individual student feedback. I have an aggregator column to add the marks together.
Students also submit reports through Blackboard. These are marked in Grade Centre and I ‘bulk import’ the Blackboard Grade Centre numbers into SRES. There are a couple of examples where the rubric is out of the wrong number of ‘points’ so I have aggregator columns in SRES to fix the number of marks assigned to the report.
I then use ‘student views’ (web portals) deployed in Blackboard to release the results to the students. Not every student does every experiment so what they see is filtered by which experiment they have been assigned (this data exists in another SRES column). They get their results mark and individual feedback, plus their report mark.
- Students get their results earlier. Previously they didn’t always receive results for things marked outside blackboard.
- Students get individual feedback for their results (previously they didn’t get this at all)
- Any missing results can be followed up quickly. The students are quick to notice and alert us if marks are missing!
- Marks are collated as we go. This will hopefully make end of semester/board of examiners much easier for us.