The SRES is built, run, and supported by a bunch of teachers primarily at the University of Sydney, as well as our friends and affiliates from Sydney and other universities around Australasia. We are a mix of academics and professional staff, all with an interest in using data to improve the student experience. If you’d like to join in, do get in touch.
The core team

Natasha is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation (CRLI) and a postgraduate fellow with the DVC Education Portfolio. Her PhD project aims to examine cases in higher education where learners work collaboratively in groups to co-construct their epistemic environment while engaging in complex problem solving tasks, while her postgraduate fellowship takes her into the learning analytics space.

Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. A national teaching award winner, he focuses on wrangling technology to improve learning and teaching by working at the confluence of educational technology, student engagement, learning analytics, and professional development and leadership.

Ruth is an Educational Design Manager with a background in teaching English as a foreign language and academic writing. She is passionate about teaching with technology and the future of digital education.
Melanie is an early career researcher with a focus on eHealth, the use of technology to improve healthcare, and supporting the student experience. Underpinning Dr Keep’s research is a motivation to facilitate access to healthcare and enhance the training of future health professionals using technology. In particular, she is interested in examining the role of communication between patients and health practitioners for better outcomes and how this changes in the eHealth context.
Adam is the Pro Vice Chancellor Educational Innovation at the University of Sydney and has received institutional and national awards for teaching and is an Australian National Teaching Fellow. He aims to invigorate and change learning and teaching culture through a focus on blended, collaborative, and interactive learning designs.
Kimberly is an educational designer within the Educational Innovation team, and provides support and training to academic and professional staff on the use of SRES for teaching and supporting students.
Guien is a champion of SRES in the Faculty of Engineering and more broadly across the University through a focus on personalising support and pushing the boundaries of data. She is also involved in testing the software to improve its functionality and end user experience.
Becky has a key role in providing support and training for SRES users across the University, particularly in the health, medicine, and business faculties.
Sam is an academic developer in the Educational Innovation team, and provides University-wide training and support. She helps build connections between SRES and the faculties to increase the targeted learning support offered to students.
Jean is an educational designer in the Faculty of Health Sciences, and advises and trains academic and professional staff on instructional approaches and educational technologies. Jean provides local support and training to academic and professional staff on the use of SRES for real-time assessment such as practical examinations and presentations.
Melissa is the Senior Software Developer (Research & Teaching Platforms) in the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne.
Kevin is an Educational Designer with a background in secondary STEM teaching, pharmaceutical research, and biology. He is an advocate for education, learning, technology, and ensuring students and teachers are our first priority in higher education. Kevin is currently at UNSW.
Our affiliates
We are indebted to the many champions of the SRES embedded in faculties and schools at the University of Sydney, who are too many to list here (and we’d likely miss a few, which would be embarrassing). These champions help to support users, push the boundaries, and share the benefits of the SRES for student engagement.
Outside of Sydney, we are working with people from a number of Australasian universities to provide students better support and enhanced learning experiences:
- A/Prof Deb King, Dr Melissa Makin from the University of Melbourne
- Dr Lorenzo Vigentini from the University of New South Wales
- Dr Elsuida Kondo and Dr Mollie Dollinger from La Trobe University
- Dr Richard Burke and Tristan Cui from Monash University
- A/Prof Susan Blackley from Curtin University